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The 9th Infantry Division commanded by the Major General Manton S. Eddy came ashore on the 10th of June 1944 at Utah Beach, precisely in the sector codenamed “Tare Green”. It’s mission? Cut the Cotentin Peninsula and
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Topics: World War 2, WWII Atlantic Wall, World War Two, WWII 1st US Army, WWII 4th Infantry Division, WWII 9th Infantry Division, WWII 39th Infantry Regiment, WWII 70th Tank Battalion, USA, Infantry, Third Reich, France, Anytime, Bar Nothing!, Anywhere, WWII Anything, WWII 39th Infantry, Lieutenant Colonel Harry Flint, Normandy

These are sites off the beaten tracks of tourists that I enjoy with my wife and son and my family in general…the list of course is not exhaustive! To say the least we keep some for ourselves....
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Topics: World War 2, WWII Atlantic Wall, World War Two, WWII 1st US Army, WWII Paratroopers, WWII 4th Infantry Division, Nazi 2nd SS Panzer Division Das Reich, WWII 82nd Infantry Division, USA, Third Reich, France, LCVP Higgins barge, Rangers, Normandy, Normandy Barfleur mussels

In the northwest of Brest, precisely at the South of the cities of Guilers and Bohars, was a group of strongpoints. Built in the villages of Kerognan, Loguillo and Le Moulin du Beuzit, they formed a triangular line of
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Topics: World War 2, WWII Atlantic Wall, WWII 115th Infantry Regiment, WWII 29th Infantry Division, World War Two, WWII Engineers Special Brigade, WWII 8th Infantry Division, Infantry, Third Reich, France, Brest Kerognan guns, Brittany

Forts Montbarey and Keranroux were built at the end of the XVIII century to make Brest an impregnable fortress reinforced by the Germans in 1940. During the last days of the campaign of Brest the Germans used the Forts
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Topics: World War 2, WWII Atlantic Wall, WWII 115th Infantry Regiment, WWII 175th Infantry Regiment, WWII 29th Infantry Division, WWII 116th Infantry Regiment, World War Two, WWII Engineers Special Brigade, Fort Keranroux, Infantry, Third Reich, France, Staff Sergeant Sherwood H. Hallman, Brittany, Medal of Honor

Lieutenant Colonel Paul. Krznarich, Division G-2, told VIII Corps at 13:35 hours: “We are on it, but so are the Jerries”. Brittany was already a theater of war as of June 6th, 1944, when French soldiers of the Special
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Topics: World War 2, WWII Atlantic Wall, WWII 115th Infantry Regiment, WWII 175th Infantry Regiment, WWII 29th Infantry Division, WWII 116th Infantry Regiment, World War Two, Fort Keranroux, Infantry, Third Reich, France, Brittany

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