Topics: WWII 79th Infantry Division, France, Alsace, Operation Northwind, 25thPanzergrenadier Division, WWII Rittershoffen Hatten, 14th Armored Division
Topics: WWII 79th Infantry Division, France, Alsace, WWII - Alsace-Lorraine, WWII 315th Infantry Regiment, WWII Rittershoffen Hatten
Topics: WWII 79th Infantry Division, WWII 315 Infantry Regiment, France, Alsace, Operation Northwind, Hatten, 25thPanzergrenadier Division, WWII 315th Infantry Regiment, WWII Rittershoffen Hatten
Topics: WWII 79th Infantry Division, Medal of Honor recipient, Medal of Honor, France, Alsace
Topics: WWII 79th Infantry Division, Siegfried Line, WWII 313 Infantry Regiment, France, Lorraine, France, Alsace
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