It was on the 1st of June 1944 when the 79th Reconnaissance Troop left Marbury Hall Tent Camp N°2 in England to “Galloping Bottom” in preparation for the great invasion.
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World War 2,
WWII Atlantic Wall,
World War Two,
WWII 79th Infantry Division,
France, Normandy, Cherbourg,
LST Landing Ship Tanks,
It was precisely two months after the German counterattack in the Bulge date to date on February 17th, 1945, that the 79th Infantry Division was attached to the XVI Corps and put into the 9th US Army. The mission of the
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WWII 79th Infantry Division,
WWII Germany,
Roer River
While a road to get supplies in Hatten was finally found, 2nd Battalion of the 315th Infantry Regiment kept fighting to hold the small part of Hatten it had under its control.
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WWII 79th Infantry Division,
WWII Rittershoffen Hatten,
14th Armored Division
Completely cut off from the world in Hatten and Rittershoffen on January 11th, 1945, 2nd Battalion of the 315th Infantry Regiment was fighting at close range. Men were exhausted, some time running out of ammunitions
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WWII 79th Infantry Division,
France, Alsace,
Operation Northwind,
25thPanzergrenadier Division,
WWII Rittershoffen Hatten,
14th Armored Division
The battle of Hatten was now on, the young and unexperimented German soldiers met until then by the US Troops had given way to determinated veterans and 79th Infantry Division had to deal with them.
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WWII 79th Infantry Division,
France, Alsace,
WWII - Alsace-Lorraine,
WWII 315th Infantry Regiment,
WWII Rittershoffen Hatten
Two once pretty Alsatian villages lost in the countryside. These words perfectly define Rittershoffen and Hatten, no one lives there and according to US soldiers no one would like but these two places became the central
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WWII 79th Infantry Division,
WWII 315 Infantry Regiment,
France, Alsace,
Operation Northwind,
25thPanzergrenadier Division,
WWII 315th Infantry Regiment,
WWII Rittershoffen Hatten
During the Saverne Gap battle it was the entire 79th Infantry Division which had been used, all of the elements without any exceptions. Indeed, while the 314th Infantry Regiment was fighting for villages of Hameau
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WWII 79th Infantry Division,
Medal of Honor recipient,
Medal of Honor,
France, Alsace
Note: Some information may contradict each other regarding the actions performed by the battalions, or regarding the enemy forces. This is due to the ferocity of the fighting, some men testified to have seen halftracks,
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WWII 79th Infantry Division,
Siegfried Line,
WWII 313 Infantry Regiment,
France, Lorraine,
France, Alsace